About Human Rights Alliance

About Human Rights Alliance

National Alliance for Human Rights and Social Justice – Nepal (Human Rights Alliance), a Coalition of Nepali non- governmental human rights organisations dedicated to a cause of freedom, human rights, social justice, and peace in Nepal was established in 1996 in the initiation of some leading human rights NGOs in order for bring together like-minded human rights organisations to build nationwide human rights movement conducive for all to realize their basic rights. Since 1999, Human Rights Alliance was formally registered as an umbrella organisation for human rights and social justice.

It envisages a world where people would assert and enjoy all human rights, and thereby experience peace and prosperity. Human Rights Alliance has well practised the inclusion of a wide variety of ethnic, caste, linguistic, religious and other marginalised communities in its organisational structure from the centre to the districts which follow democratic processes for selection of the committee members. This mechanism promotes more collaboration between excluded and others rather than creating just exclusionary groups. It has been envisaged that such a collaborative practice will create harmony among all the groups in the long run and bring policy changes on the issues of human rights. As per the constitution of the Organisation, Human Rights Alliance has conducted three periodic conventions and two national level council’s meetings so far.

The umbrella organization, being the largest network of human rights NGOs throughout the country has now more than 1500 member organizations. The Organization has the central office in Kathmandu, five regional offices and 75 district chapters. The number of the organizational members in the centre, region and district depends on the democratic practice of conventions to be organized in all levels as per the Constitution of the Organization.

All the activities of the Organization are carried out by 11 departments. The Organization has deputed focal persons, one in each of the 75 districts of Nepal, for the effective monitoring and transmitting reliable, valid and first-hand information on human rights. The day to day information collected in the local level by the focal persons and trained human rights defenders of HR Alliance are documented and submitted to respective regional office and the regional coordinator transmitted the information to the central office.

Within a one decade of its journey, Human Rights Alliance has been established as one of the federations of human rights organizations in Nepal. It has a good collaboration and coordination with other federations including NGO Federation of Nepal (NFN), Dalit NGO Federation (DNF), Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN), and Federation of Community Forest Users’ Group Nepal (FECOFUN). The Organization has a better collaboration and cooperation with the overall human rights communities in Nepal including National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).